Numerical model of solid phase transformations governed by nucleation and growth: microstructure development during isothermal crystallization |
Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Roura Grabulosa, Pere
Numerical model of solid phase transformations governed by nucleation and growth: microstructure development during isothermal crystallization |
Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Roura Grabulosa, Pere
14 octubre 2015 |
Obtaining advanced oxide thin films at low temperatures by chemical methods. Thermal analysis of thin films |
Sánchez RodrÃguez, Daniel
Obtaining advanced oxide thin films at low temperatures by chemical methods. Thermal analysis of thin films |
Sánchez-RodrÃguez, Daniel
2007 |
Oxidation of silicon: further tests for the interfacial silicon emission model |
Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Roura Grabulosa, Pere
Oxidation of silicon: further tests for the interfacial silicon emission model |
Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Roura Grabulosa, Pere
febrer 2018 |
Predicció del procés de cristal·lització dels polÃmers a partir d’experiments de calorimetria diferencial |
Sendra Masó, Marc
2008 |
Quantification of the bond-angle dispersion by Raman spectroscopy and the strain energy of amorphous silicon |
Roura Grabulosa, Pere
; Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Roca i Cabarrocas, Pere
Quantification of the bond-angle dispersion by Raman spectroscopy and the strain energy of amorphous silicon |
Roura Grabulosa, Pere
; Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Roca i Cabarrocas, Pere
2010 |
Relaxation and derelaxation of pure and hydrogenated amorphous silicon during thermal annealing experiments |
Kail, Fatiha
; Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Roura Grabulosa, Pere
; Secouard, Christopher
; Nos, Oriol
; Bertomeu, Joan Prat
; Alzina, F.
; Roca i Cabarrocas, Pere
Relaxation and derelaxation of pure and hydrogenated amorphous silicon during thermal annealing experiments |
Kail, Fatiha
; Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Roura Grabulosa, Pere
; Secouard, Christopher
; Nos, Oriol
; Bertomeu, Joan Prat
; Alzina, F.
; Roca i Cabarrocas, Pere
Relaxation and derelaxation of pure and hydrogenated amorphous silicon during thermal annealing experiments |
Kail, Fatiha
; Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Roura Grabulosa, Pere
; Secouard, Christopher
; Nos, Oriol
; Bertomeu, Joan Prat
; Alzina, F.
; Roca i Cabarrocas, Pere
5 juny 2018 |
Relaxation and derelaxation of pure and hydrogenated amorphous silicon during thermal annealing experiments |
Kail, Fatiha
; Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Roura Grabulosa, Pere
; Secouard, Christopher
; Nos, Oriol
; Bertomeu, Joan Prat
; Alzina, F.
; Roca i Cabarrocas, Pere
Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of LaMO3 perovskitetype oxide using heteronuclearcyano metal complex precursors |
Sánchez-RodrÃguez, Daniel
; Wada, Hiroki
; Yamaguchi, Syuhei
; Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Yahiro, Hidenori
15 novembre 2015 |
Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of LaMO3 perovskitetype oxide using heteronuclearcyano metal complex precursors |
Sánchez-RodrÃguez, Daniel
; Wada, Hiroki
; Yamaguchi, Syuhei
; Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Yahiro, Hidenori
Self-propagating high-temperature synthesis of LaMO3 perovskitetype oxide using heteronuclearcyano metal complex precursors |
Sánchez-RodrÃguez, Daniel
; Wada, Hiroki
; Yamaguchi, Syuhei
; Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Yahiro, Hidenori
2005 |
Seminaris de Ciència de Materials per als graus d’Enginyeria Electrònica Industrial i Automà tica, i Enginyeria Elèctrica: I. Propietats magnètiques i elèctriques |
Farjas Silva, Jordi
2012 |
Seminaris de Ciència de Materials per als graus d’Enginyeria Electrònica Industrial i Automà tica, i Enginyeria Elèctrica: I. Propietats magnètiques i elèctriques [1a ed. català , 2012] |
Farjas Silva, Jordi
Seminaris de Ciència de Materials per als graus d’Enginyeria Electrònica Industrial i Automà tica, i Enginyeria Elèctrica. I. Propietats magnètiques i elèctriques [2a ed.català , 2017] |
Farjas Silva, Jordi
2017 |
Seminaris de Ciència de Materials per als graus d’Enginyeria Electrònica Industrial i Automà tica, i Enginyeria Elèctrica. I. Propietats magnètiques i elèctriques [2a ed.català , 2017] |
Farjas Silva, Jordi
2005 |
Si3N4 single-crystal nanowires grown from silicon micro- and nanoparticles near the threshold of passive oxidation |
Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Rath, Chandana
; Pinyol i Agelet, Albert
; Roura Grabulosa, Pere
; Bertrán Serra, Enric
Si3N4 single-crystal nanowires grown from silicon micro- and nanoparticles near the threshold of passive oxidation |
Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Rath, Chandana
; Pinyol i Agelet, Albert
; Roura Grabulosa, Pere
; Bertrán Serra, Enric
2011 |
Solid phase crystallization under continuous heating: kinetic and microstructure scaling laws |
Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Roura Grabulosa, Pere
Solid phase crystallization under continuous heating: kinetic and microstructure scaling laws |
Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Roura Grabulosa, Pere
Solid phase crystallization under continuous heating: kinetic and microstructure scaling laws |
Farjas Silva, Jordi
; Roura Grabulosa, Pere